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2002 Currently doing PhD in sculpture at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 1995-1997 Master of restoration at the Instituto per il Restauro Larter and Palazzo Spinelli in Florence (Italy). 1991-1995 Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Central England (UCE) Birmingham. 1990-1991 Pre-Foundation of Art in Telford. England. EXHIBITIONS: 2002 Exhibition at the Teatro de Madrid. Exhibition Valencia City Council and...

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2002 Currently doing PhD in sculpture at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 1995-1997 Master of restoration at the Instituto per il Restauro Larter and Palazzo Spinelli in Florence (Italy). 1991-1995 Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Central England (UCE) Birmingham. 1990-1991 Pre-Foundation of Art in Telford. England. EXHIBITIONS: 2002 Exhibition at the Teatro de Madrid. Exhibition Valencia City Council and the College of Physicians of Fine Arts in Valencia. 2001 Exhibition at the Museum House of cows from the Retiro Park. Madrid. 2000 Exhibition hall of the European Community (European Foyer). Luxembourg. 1998 Exhibition at the box Murcia. Lorca. Exhibition at the House of Commerce Toledo. Most important group exhibitions: 2002 International Biennial Exhibition in Paris medals. FAIM 2001-2002 (Independent Art Fair of Madrid) 2001 Exhibition with Disadvantaged title in the Orange Room gallery. Valencia. 1999-2000 Exhibition at the circle of Fine Arts in Madrid. Exhibition with the artists' association minimally Tamao Grande in San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Madrid. 1998 Exhibition with the title at the Museo Taurino Almud. Murcia. 1997 Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in Ciudad Real. Exhibition at the Cultural Center of Guernica. Bilbao. 1996 Exhibition at the House of Crmine in Florence, Italy. 1993 in Inglés Artist Exhibition Gallery in Birmingham. England. 1992 Exhibition at the Art Gallery of Oliva. Madrid. Being a parent is like being a child - Sandstone (44x20x16) Women - Sandstone (34x29x15) My face - Sandstone (25x24x19) Masks - Sandstone (28x13x14) Maripaz - Marble (40x35x34) Playing as children - Sandstone (18x21x13) G tola - Marble (27x13x20) The pleasure of being a woman - Sandstone (48x14x20) contemplation - Sandstone (36x22x22) Before anyone should love to love tmismo Sandstone (48x22x13) Click to see Delgado Millan ampliadaHctor --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------- ENGLISH -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- At the moment --------------------------------- 2002 doctoral thesis in making sculpture in the Complutensian University of Madrid. 1995-1997 Masters of Restoration in the Art Institute and to per L'il Restauro "Palazzo Spinelli" of Florence (Italy). Beautiful Arts Degree in 1991-1995 by the University of Central England (UCE) Birmingham. 1990-1991 Pre-Foundation of Art in Telford. England. INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS: 2002 Exhibition in the Theater of Madrid. Exhibition the City council of Valencia and in the School of Doctors of Beautiful Arts of Valencia. 2001 Exhibition in the Museum House of cows of the Park of the Retirement. Madrid. 2000 Exhibition hall of the European Community (European Foyer). Luxembourg. 1998 Exhibition in the Box of Murcia. Lorca. Exhibition in the House of Commerce of Toledo. More important Collective exhibitions: 2002 Exhibition in the International Biennial of the medals of Paris. FAIM 2001-2002 (Fair of independent art of Madrid) 2001 Exhibition with the title "Harm" in the Orange Room gallery. Valencia. 1999-2000 Exhibition in the Circle of Beautiful Arts of Madrid. Exhibition with the Big association of artists "Minimum So large" in San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Madrid. 1998 Exhibition with "the Bullfighting" title in the AlmudMuseum. Murcia. 1997 Exhibition in the Museum of Modern Art of Royal City. Exhibition in the Cultural Center of Guernica. Bilbao. 1996 Exhibition in the House of the Crmine in Florence, Italy. 1993 Exhibition in the "Inglés Artist Gallery in Birmingham. England. 1992 Exhibition in the Gallery of Art of Oliva. Madrid. To be father is like Being are - arenaceous (44x20x16) Woman - Arenaceous (34x29x15) My face - arenaceous (25x24x19) Mask - arenaceous (28x13x14) Maripaz - Marble (40x35x34) Playing like children - arenaceous (18x21x13) Gtola - Marble (27x13x20) The Pleasure of Being Woman - arenaceous (48x14x20) Contemplation - arenaceous (36x22x22) Before Anyone loving it Must love to arenaceous Saami t (48x22x13) It presses to see Thin ampliadaHctor Millan

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